Touched by God World Ministries

Touched by God World Ministries
In Allegiance to the God of the Universe through His Holy Spirit!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Touched by God (0nline) Church World Ministries (Lessons & Messages) 

Welcome ... and thanks for stopping in to take a look at the Character of God ... and all of the wondrous creations that He has placed throughout the universe, and here on earth. His illustrations are everywhere! Just open your eyes and see ... This Blog is an alternate website of Touched by God Church World Ministries official website: ( ... please stop in there for more insight of The Character of God ... through His Son, the Christ, Jesus!
Touched By God (online) Church World Ministries is a Non-Denominational, Theological, God-Christ based Ministry, relying on the inspired Words of the Old and New Testament, and illustrations in Nature, reaching out to the entire world!
Rev./Chap. Jess K. Foglesong, is an Ordained Minister, a Student of Theology, Pastoral Counselor, Doctor of Divinity, and founder of Touched By God (Online) Church World Ministries; Retired College Instructor (see profile for other  info) originally from the Big Island of Hawaii. Now enjoying semi-retirement, with his wife, in the Napa Valley, Ca. Spends much of his time studying the Word and Character of God.
"The Introduction in the understanding of the True Character of God!
Rev. Jess has important messages and lessons on  Video:

Rev. Jess' lessons and messages are on Video! Click on the videos for great, (much of it not heard before), eye-opening lessons about the Character of God; and amazing theological studies centering on God, His Son The Christ, Jesus ... the Gospel and Biblical History.  .... there are ongoing lessons and messages to come!  Thanks for dropping in ..... Our strength derive ... from above!
Lessons: On Video below: more added, ongoing!

1. "Introduction into understanding and discerning  God's Character!"   (First Video)
2. The Awesome, Amazing Intelligence that Created the Universe.
3. God is spirit, Divine, Energy ... Light!
4. God's plan shaping up Exponentially! 
5.  Planet Earth was shaping up for human occupation!
6. God's Covenant with Abraham. 
7. Egypt: Symbol of Evil! 
8. God's Divine Solution -- A Redeemer! 
9. A Mediator appears through God's Grace. 
10. Christ came to Disclose and Vindicate the Father. 
11.  Jesus was Killed as the Innocent Lamb!
12. The Killing of The Innocent!
13. Have you been touched by God?
14. Easter ... the most important event in human history!
15. God placed Information and Instructions in our DNA
16. His Wisdom: Embedded in Every Molecule and Atom
17. Jesus, The Christ is our Mediator -- our Redeemer!!

18. Heaven's Court System Reflects on our Own!
19. God's True Character is Illustrated Everywhere; Put God First!
20.  Like Salmon, Whales and Birds, We are Migrating Home Too!
21.  God has a Difficult Problem!
22.  Fossil Fuel ... Oil is a Gift from God!
23.  The Ten Commandments actually describes God's Character!
24.  God's Presence ensures an Automatic World!
25.  Our Earth is Very Special!
26. In The Beginning:  Bang!      
27.  The Lat Temptation of Christ!   
28. God's Mighty Hand!
29. Trees ... Reveal the Hidden Face of God!
30. Oil ... is one of God's most important gift and provision!
31. Independence Day:  Our Freedom and Justice ... come from God!
32. The Earth and You belong to God!
33. God Illustrates by Grand Design!
34. Being Positive: God's healing Wisdom is deep within You!
35.  Why does God allow Earthquakes, Tornadoes and Hurricanes?
36. Does God involve Himself in Our Politics?
37. Infidelity: A Falling away from God!
38. Alcoholism and Drug use: Is it Evil in God's Eyes?
39. Does God Tolerate Homosexuality? Earth & Heaven?
40. Who are Angels?
41. The Sabbath: A Time for Rest, in God; In Christ!
42. God Abhors Abortion!  (Part 1)
43. God Abhors Abortion!  (Part 2)
44. Have We forgotten God ... Jesus?
45.  What Happens to US after Death?
46. Have We become The Aliens?
47. Life is Precious ... No Guarantees, except through The Christ!
48.  Where is Your Allegiance?
49.  Staying "Young at Heart" ... in God!
50. God's Wisdom ... the miraculous making of a Human Being!
51. Thanks for God's persistence ... the Universe saw us coming!
52. God formed You and Me in His own Image!
53. Are You Mature grapes ... Ready to be Picked?
54.  Are We alone in the Universe ... Due to Original Sin?
55.  Are you ready for the Harvest?  Gon's Final Word!
56.  Gifts and Thaksgiving is Instilled by God!
57.  A Day in Infamy!  God woke U.S. up!
58.  God is our Father and Mother in Heaven!
59. Our True Father is in Heaven!
60. All Believers are made New in Christ!
61. The Man of Lawlessness
62. God's Anger at Unnatural, Sinful Behavior!
63. The Resurrection of The Dead (and Living) you and me!
64. What Happened when People Died?
65. The Uncompromising God!
66.  Spiritual Blessings!
67. Christ's Sacrifice, Once and For All!
Lesson 67:  Christ's Sacrifice, Once and For All!
Lesson 66:  Spiritual Blessings!
Lesson 65:  The Uncompromising God!
Lesson 64:  What Happened when People Died?
Lesson 63:  The Resurrection of The Dead (and Living) you and me!
 Lesson 62:  God's Anger at Unnatural, Sinful Behavior!
Lesson 61:  The Man of Lawlessness

Lesson 60:
All Believers are made New in Christ!

Lesson 59:
Our True Father is in Heaven!

Lesson 58:
God is Our Father and Mother in Heaven!

Lesson 57:
A Day in Infamy! God woke U.S. up!
Lesson 56:
Gifts and Thanksgiving is Instilled by God!
Lesson 55:
Are You Ready for The Harvest? God's Final Word!
Lesson 54:
  Are We alone in the Universe ... Due to Original Sin?
Lesson 53:
  Are You Mature grapes ... Ready to be Picked?

Lesson 52:
 God formed You and Me in His own Image!

Lesson 51:
 Thanks for God's persistence ... the Universe saw us coming!

Lesson 50:
 God's Wisdom ... the miraculous making of a Human being!

Lesson 49:
 Staying "Young at Heart" ... in God!

Lesson 48:
Where is Your Allegiance?

Lesson 47:
Life is Precious ... No Guarantees, except through the Christ!

Lesson 46:
 Have We become The Aliens?

Lesson 45:
What happens to US after Death?


Have We forgotten God ... and Jesus?
Lesson 44


God Abhors Abortion! (Part 2)
Lesson 43


God Abhors Abortion! (Part 1)
Lesson 42

The Sabbath: A Time for Rest, in God; In Christ!
Lesson 41

Who are Angels?
Lesson 40

Does God Tolerate Homosexuality on Earth and in Heaven?
Lesson 39


Alcoholism and Drug use: Is it Evil in God's Eyes?
Lesson 38
Infidelity: A Falling Away from God!
Lesson 37

Does God involve Himself in Our Politics?
Lesson 36
Why does God allow Earthquakes, Tornadoes and Hurricanes?
Lesson 35
Being Positive: God's healing Wisdom is deep within You!
Lesson 34
Lesson 33: 
God Illustrates by Grand Design!
Lesson 32:
The Earth and You belong to God!
Lesson 31:
Independence Day
Our Freedom and Justice ... come from God!

Lesson 30:
Oil ... is one of God's important Gift and Provision!

Lesson 29:
Trees ... Reveal the Hidden Face of God!

Lesson 28:
God's Mighty Hand!

 Lesson 27
The Last Temptation of Christ!

Lesson 26
In The Beginning:  Bang!


Lesson 25:
Our Earth is Very Special!!!

Lesson 24:
God's Presence ensures an Automatic World!

Lesson 23:
The Ten Commandments actually describes God's Character!
Lesson 22:
Fossil Fuel ... Oil is a Gift from God!
Lesson 21:
God has a Difficult Problem!

Lesson 20:
Like Salmon, Whales and Birds ... We are Migrating Home Too!

Lesson 19:
God's true Character is Illustrated Everywhere -- Put God first! 

Lesson 18:
Heaven's Court System Reflects on Our own
Part 2
Heaven's Court System Reflects on Our own
Part 1
Lesson 17:
Jesus, The Christ is our Mediator -- Our Redeemer!

Lesson 16:

His Wisdom Embedded in every Molecule and Atom!

Lesson 15:
God placed Information and Instructions in our DNA!

Lesson 14:
Easter ... the Most Important Event in Human History!


Lesson 13:
Have you been Touched By God?

Lesson 12:
The Killing of The Innocent!
Lesson 11:
Jesus was Killed as The Innocent Lamb!

Lesson 10:
Christ came to Disclose and Vindicate The Father!

Lesson  9:
God became the Redeemer in Christ Jesus!!

Lesson 8:
God's Divine Solution -- A Redeemer! 
Lesson 7:
Egypt: Symbol of Evil!
Lesson 6:
God's Covenant with Abraham!
Lesson 5:
Planet Earth was shaping up for human occupation!

Lesson 4: 
God's plan, shaping up exponentially!

Lesson 3:
God is Spirit, Divine, Energy ... Light!
Lesson 2:
The Awesome, Amazing Intelligence that Created the Universe!
Lesson one: 
"Introduction into understanding and discerning God's Character!" 

Special song by Rev Jess:
Mary Did You Know?
Ongoing lessons on video ...... more to come!
For more information about the Character of God and The Christ, Jesus .... and any question you may have concerning the gospel of Christ (through the Holy spirit)...... please go to